- The Yellow Wallpaper
- MacBeth: Once a Soldier, Always a Soldier
- Paradise Lost
- Pride and Prejudice
- Percy B. Shelley: Living the Poem
- Dylan Thomas: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog
- Under the Net: The Liberation of Jake Donaghue
- Hard Times: The Irony of Stephen Blackpool
- The Snake: A Tale of Courage
- The Czech Policeman’s Uncle
- Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher
- Eastern Europe Is In
- A Friend of the Family
- Phyllis Wheatly: Black and White, Darkness and Light
- Faulker’s Sanctuary
- Langston Hughes’ poem “Let America Be America Again”
- Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome
- Chaucer: Friar vs Summoner
- More: Utopia
- Shakespeare: The History of King Richard III
- A Tale of Two Richards
- John Skelton: “Fortune Delivers”
- John Donne: “A Nocturnal upon St. Lucy’s Day, being the shortest day”
- The Other King and Queen of English Literature
- Franz Kafka: The Trial
- The Celts
- Rise of the Habsburg Empire
- The Third World War: August 1985
- The Impact of US Forces in West Germany 1945-Present
- Sociological Imagination
- There Are No Children Here
- The Lucrativeness of Private Prisons
- Popcorn and Violence
- Health Care Reform: Learning from Europe
- Juries versus Judges
- External Forcing of Global Climate on a Geological Time Scale: A Simple Linear Systems Approach
- Global Ocean Changes and U.S. Ocean Policy
- Humans and the Climate
- Evidence of Microbes in Igneous Rocks and the Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life
- The Acid Rain Problem in Central and Northern Europe
- How the Glass-Steagall Act Could Have Impacted the Financial Crisis of 2008