Isn’t It Time

All Words and Music by James Branam

All instruments and vocals by James Branam



In the world which we live in there’ s no chance that we can survive

People talking ballistic missiles coming down from the sky

Well, I’ m not ready to die just yet, I still have a lot to see

Isn’ t it time we live in peace?

Is it the right of some top official or a president

To know the fate of five billion lives is held in his hands

 Isn’ t it time we stop this hell, is this how it has to be

Threatening war to maintain peace?

Leaders warning world confrontation with the flip of switch

Who’ s to say which side would win if neither exist

Listen to me, you know I’ m asking you, is this how we have to live?

Atomic salvation has nothing to give.

Trillions spent on world destruction, where does all of it go?

It should be spent on peace construction, so our children can grow

I’ m not ready to die just yet, is this how it has to be?

Isn’ t it time we live in peace?

Copyright (c) 1983 by James Branam