Učíme se četbou 2: The Nosy Neighbor (new issue)

By James Branam

The is a reworked and re-edited version of Mistaken Identity with significant changes.

This book is Mistaken Identity with a new format, new names for some characters to help avoid confusion, and a new cover.  I suppose it’s an oddity that Bill Lorentz second case is the first book in the Učíme se četbou series, and that the events in this second book predate those in the first book.

Like the first book in the series, a lot of reformatting was done to make the book appeal to a larger group of readers. Bu no means a bestseller, the book did manage to do quite well. There were a couple of disgruntled readers who had bought Mistaken Identity and then this book, thinking it was a whole new case for my detective. It is Mistaken Identity – much improved – repackaged a new cover.

Author: James Branam

Publisher: Fragment

Illustrations: Sylvie Mikulcová

ISBN: 80-253-0022-6

Pages: 100

Year of publication: 2005